Healthy Relationships

Relationships can be beneficial for people as they can provide emotional support, companionship and a sense of belonging. They can also help people develop communication and relationship skills. However, if relationships are unhealthy they can be harmful to people’s health and well-being.

In a healthy relationship, partners communicate openly and listen to each other’s concerns. They don’t gossip or criticize each other. They respect each other’s independence and allow for privacy. They make an effort to understand each other’s perspectives and avoid misunderstandings by double checking their understanding. They set boundaries and practice mutual consent regarding sexual activities. They also talk about and plan their finances together.

People in a healthy relationship are supportive of each other’s personal and professional goals. They encourage one another to stay healthy by eating a balanced diet, getting enough sleep and exercising regularly. They may also support each other’s mental health by encouraging visits to a therapist, attending support groups and sharing coping strategies.

A healthy relationship requires two healthy, happy individuals. It’s important for people in a relationship to maintain their individual identities and interests. It’s also a good idea to take time away from each other to do things they enjoy and to pursue their own interests. Trying to control a person in a relationship or trying to change them can backfire and destroy the very identity that attracted them to each other in the first place. This is why many people who find themselves in unhealthy relationships benefit from working with a therapist.