

Automobiles are vehicles designed for passenger transport on land. They are usually four-wheeled and powered by internal-combustion engines fueled by volatile fuels, such as gasoline or diesel. Modern automobiles employ a complex system of engineering subsystems, including engine, transmission, chassis, bodywork, control systems and service devices. Research and development engineers are employed by all major manufacturers to improve the performance, comfort and safety of cars.

The car is the most common means of transportation in the world. It is used to take people to work, school, shopping and other events. It also allows people to visit friends and family. The advantages of having a car are that it saves time and money by eliminating the need to travel on public transportation such as buses or taxis. It is also a lot more flexible than having to leave early in order not to miss the bus. It can also help you to have a better lifestyle and be more independent.

Several different people have tried to make cars, but the first successful one was made by Karl Benz. He invented the internal combustion engine that allowed cars to be powered by gas. Afterwards, Henry Ford developed the assembly line that allowed cars to be produced much more efficiently.

The automobile revolutionized America. It gave women the ability to drive, which was a big deal at the time. It also helped women to get more jobs in factories or elsewhere that were previously held by men. Two women, Nell Richardson and Alice Burke, even took a trip across the country by themselves in 1916. They decorated their car with “vote for women” banners.