Generally, religion is defined as a social-cultural system, which is composed of beliefs, practices, and organizations. Religion is often deeply rooted in rituals, doctrines, and archetypes. It is characterized by moral and ethical standards.
Religion is a community of people united by a shared faith. People participate in religious activities such as collective prayer, meditation, and rituals. Often, members follow specific rules, dress codes, and behaviors. The religions they practice are based on the lives of historical figures, their teachings, and archetypes.
Many people who practice religion fear the consequences of their actions when they die. Their fear can be related to concepts such as eternal punishment and divine judgment.
The purpose of religion is to shape attitudes and behavior. The principles of the religion are often taught by leaders and interpreted in a particular manner. They also provide ground for action. This is how religion functions as a supportive social network.
However, there is a growing body of research showing that spiritual struggles contribute to distress. Those who experience these struggles often find it difficult to maintain their spirituality. Various positive religious coping strategies include: gratitude, reframing stressful situations into larger systems of meaning, and spiritual support from a religious institution.
Some religions can be highly structured, but others are more informal. Regardless of the type, they typically include certain codes of conduct, such as the Ten Commandments.
These rules, in addition to ethical and moral codes, are intended to help people organize themselves. In organized religions, the members are expected to accept the teachings of the founders and adhere to them.