Home Improvement Trends for 2023

Home improvement

Home improvement is the remodeling, altering, renovating, repairing, or restoring of the interior or exterior of a residential building. This can include adding or modifying features such as kitchens, bathrooms, windows, doors, roofs, and flooring. It can also include outdoor improvements such as landscaping and fence construction.

In 2023, some home improvement projects may focus on making repairs rather than adding amenities. This is especially true for homeowners who are trying to sell their homes, since a well-maintained house can improve the chances of getting a higher offer.

The home improvement industry is highly competitive, and it’s important to find a contractor you can trust. Do your research before hiring anyone, and be sure to get quotes from multiple contractors. Read reviews online and ask for references. Also, make sure your contractor is licensed in New York state and has insurance.

While whole-home renovations can increase your home’s value and curb appeal, they’re not always feasible for all homeowners. The good news is that there are plenty of cost-effective, high Joy Score renovations you can do to your home to make it more comfortable and inviting.

The categories of home improvement that are surging the most this year reflect what’s top of mind for homeowners right now. According to Anderson, these projects include deck construction (up 275%), fence construction, and planting trees and shrubs (up 144%). Creating a custom window treatment with a patterned fabric is another affordable way to add flair to your home, while matching finishes can help create a tailored look.