Technology is the application of scientific knowledge to change and manipulate the world. It’s also the term applied to a wide range of tools and systems that help people accomplish work or manage business processes, such as information technology (IT) and business technology.
All technologies operate within constraints, some of which are inescapable. They may be economical (only so much money is available), political (local, state, and national regulations), social (public opposition), ecological (likely disruption of the natural environment), or ethical (disadvantages to some people and risk to subsequent generations). An optimum design must strike a reasonable compromise among all these factors.
The field of study that examines the impact of technology on society is called Science and Technology Studies. It is often viewed as a hybrid of sociology and philosophy, with its roots in the history of science and the history of technology.
Using technology in the classroom can help students better understand concepts. For example, using a polling app like Poll Everywhere or Mentimeter can provide quick feedback on what the class knows and doesn’t know about a topic. Technology can also help students track and analyze data, making it easier for them to communicate what they’ve learned in a presentation or paper. It can also be used to help enliven boring classes or topics by incorporating interactive learning platforms, such as games and simulations. Some of these platforms can even track student progress over time, making them a powerful tool for assessment and accountability.