What Are the Consequences of Technology?


Technology has been an integral part of human civilization for thousands of years. It provides a means of measurement, communication, and research. However, it is also important to consider its potential side effects.

Although modern technologies often have positive consequences, they can also harm individuals and the environment. As such, global cooperation is needed to promote the spread of new technologies around the world.

The use of technology can also be influenced by many other factors, including consumer acceptance, economic competition, patent laws, and tax incentives. Technologists can point to government policies as a way to address these problems.

New technology requires resources to be developed, maintained, and repaired. These costs will affect both those who benefit from it and those who do not. In addition, new technologies will require energy sources and disposal methods.

As with all engineering designs, technological options must be evaluated within their limitations. This includes the risks of failure, which can never be entirely eliminated. Ideally, an optimum design will strike a reasonable compromise.

A range of international organizations contribute to the process of developing standards and norms for new technologies. These include the International Organization for Standardization, a body that has been instrumental in defining appropriate boundaries for the use of new technologies by governments.

Technological innovations can also create unexpected forces of change. For example, new technology can disrupt social hierarchies. Some countries have begun to regulate computer technologies, although many are still rethinking rules for the exchange of technology across borders.