What Is Religion?


Religion is a broad term that describes the beliefs, practices, and values people have about a divine or supernatural being. It can include a variety of different religious traditions, including Christianity, Judaism, Hinduism, Buddhism, and Islam.

Some people believe that religion is a positive influence on a person’s life. These beliefs can help people to form relationships with others and to develop coping skills when faced with difficult situations.

Other people believe that religion can be negative and harmful. These people believe that religion excuses bad behavior or gives a person an out when they do not behave properly.

The negative aspects of religion can be very serious. These can range from public executions to gross human rights violations.

When religion is understood correctly, it binds the rational and the spiritual together. It also allows the spiritual to question and test the faith that it receives. This meeting between the rational and the spiritual is what generates wisdom in a religious community.

Good religion is based on the recognition that human beings are not fully human without a sense of purpose and a desire to make a difference. It also requires a conscious refusal of certain kinds of politics, social mores and ‘life styles’ that are contrary to what is conducive to life itself.

When these principles are followed, people can reconnect with the dynamic nature of their lives, generating a movement that is both generative and transformative. This movement is a bridge that helps people to connect with life and with the moral and intellectual challenges that they face.